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a "data pyramid" database
dealing with the upgrading of fund raising
V. Sayasenh

Abstract : This site deals with the upgrading of fund raising by means of a 3D data base within the context of a plain technology ; In fact that's a matter of database structure and relevant algorithms. It simulates the management of the connections between an aid agency and givers.
The programs can be run by clicking "step 1", "step 2" and "step 3" just below

The processing enables you :
Step 1 :
To explore the activity of the agency by means of some geographical maps, "Overview of the agency activity"
Step 2 :
To manage the use of your gift combining
  • a regional area,
  • a topic (here topics stand for medical fields),
These two criteria can be more or less accurate as you wish.
(Technically, this program is the most interesting).
Step 3 :
To have a "live" overview of the use made of your gift, i.e how the agency has distributed the sum among the various projects. "Overview of the evolution of your donation"

Technical points :
Originally, this site was developed as a requirement (with a thesis) for the post-graduated French diploma of "engineer" (defended in July 1998 at CNAM). The programs, implemented then in Visual Basic, ran on a Purveyor WebServer, using MS Access. It has been translated in native ASP in 1999 (the IIS server is currently located in Canada).
The database was structured with the 1997 data of "Médecins du Monde", published with the courtesy of this NGO.

Theoretical points :
The data base is made up with four main tables structured as "trees" :

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The challenge was the combinatory point : The response time of a traditional procedure would have been unacceptable. Another solution was required, especially concerning the "step 2 ".

This site suggests an alternative solution by means of "precalculation" : This technique consists in lightening the load of the processing by moving beforehand information on the structure of data.

In fact, if some precise rules are followed while feding the projects' table, the number of SQL requests (hence response time) is considerably reduced.

The grids depicted in the "step 2" processing display the number of the SQL requests performed in each case. This number often exceeds 200, up to 676 (in this last case the whole working may last more than 1 minute).

Evolution du site :
L'ensemble du logiciel était, à l'origine, constitué deux groupes de traitements :
Development of this site :
In the first version, the whole software consisted of two distinct sets of processings :
  • The set of the above depicted processings ("stage 1, 2 and 3"), that aims at making easier the dialog between the agency and the givers, via Internet;

  • The database administration processing enabling the agency to :
    • build the kernel of the database : i.e. the trees of the locations, the topics and the projects (static axis);
    • manage the "life" of the projects, the donations, the sums (dynamic axis);
    • break down the sums issued from each donation between the various nodes of the project' tree, according to the evolution of the elements and following the requirements of the givers (cross management).

    At first, the server was supposed to be physically located in the premises of the aid agency. Thus this 2nd set of processings did not require the use of Internet, and were performed in "usual" Visual Basic. Currently, this programs are beeing translated in ASP as well.

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In the near future, this site is expected to enable the visitor to play the two parts :
  • The part of the giver (currently run by means of the three icons if the left frame),
  • The part of the agency staff.
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